CSL® 405™ Silane Penetrating Sealer

A hydrophobic agent in construction applications used to form a protective surface surrounding mineral particles.

CSL 405 is excellent penetrating sealer to be used for bricks, stone, concrete, masonry substrates e.g. highway bridge decks, airport runways, etc. which the containing mineral particles are able to react with the inorganic groups in CSL 405. Sealer can be easily prepared by dilution of 10-50% wt. CSL 405 into organic solvents e.g. mineral spirits or alcohols, then apply the sealer solution on substrates and leave it dry properly. Also for any existing sealer, the performance of water repellency can be improved by CSL 405 addition into the sealer.

• Very good water repellency on concrete, bricks, masonry substrates, etc.
• Very easily dissolvable in various organic solvents